This is the personal website of Gaudenz Steinlin. These pages are primarily about my Free Software activities.

Free Software Projects


I'm an official Debian Developer since 2005. I'm contributing to the Debian project since 2003. I got involved in Debian through porting debian-installer to the powerpc architecture (specifically the powermac subflavour).


I'm the author of Bosco a Framework written in Python for time taking and scoreing orienteering events using SportIdent. Currently I'm the only developer of Bosco, but I'm looking for contributors to help out!

other activities

Besides these activities I only use Free Software on all of my computers since several years. I try to run the latest Linux kernel on my laptop and report regression if they crop up.

Master Thesis (Lizentiatsarbeit) about Debian

In february 2009 i finished my studies in sociology at the University of Berne with my masters theses about "Kooperation in der Open Source Entwicklung. Eine empirische Untersuchung des Debian Projekts" (Cooperation in Open Source developement. An empirical study of the Debian project). More information about the theses is available on it's own page: thesis.

My Bachelor Thesis (Fachprogrammsarbeit) about assessment centers and self-manangement is also available: assessment

Durcheinandertal CA

Durcheinandertal CA Root Certificate: root.crt


Gaudenz Steinlin
Burgunderstrasse 91
3018 Bern

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